Monday, January 22, 2007

Communicating for a Change

I am almost done reading Andy Stanley's and Lane Jones book, "Communicating for a Change." it is a great book for any preacher/teacher. I even experimented with the development and presentation of the sermon this Sunday based on what I was learning from the book. I highly recommend this book. It is challenging- but very helpful and insightful.
One of my main 2007 pastoral ministry goals is to become a more effective preacher and teacher. One of the sub-goals of that goal is to read two preaching books this year, one before 6-07 and one before 12-07. Almost halfway there. I am also looking to do some preaching continuing education thing.
We are a step closer to getting hispeed internet at the church, which makes a step closer to some day posting MP3 versions of the sermons online.
We'll see....

Monday, January 08, 2007

I am moving to MP3's sometime in 2007

My commitment is to move to audio versions of my sermons in 2003. this will of course most likely be in the MP3 format. There was just some really helpful information in Outreach magazine about how to setup online sermons. But, we are still waiting for our hi-speed internet at the church. Once that is up and running we can get in the ballgame.