Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Psalm 84- Bonus- my notes/commentary

V. 3 Refers to sparrows living in the temple-and this being a blessed existence.
Jesus refers to sparrows- we read this in Matt 10:29-31 and Luke 12:6-7
He says that a sparrow doesn’t die without God knowing it- and without devaluing the sparrow God says that we are indeed more valuable to him.
V. 4 Any person or animal that can dwell, that is stay put, in God’s presence is of course blessed for they will always stay and have a life of praise
V.5 Contrasts and relates to verse 4- this says that pilgrims or travelers of faith are also blessed. The pilgrimage is definitely not just literal, put a journey of the heart- a journey to God’s presence.
V. 6 “valley of Baca”- according to Niv study bible- this is likely figurative- meaning weeping also a real place- in the Galilee district- Baca likely is figurative for an arid place- a weeping place or a place of Basalm trees.
V. 6 pools can also be translated blessings- but a pool in an arid place is a blessing. What a beautiful set of images of a faith journey- from arid to springs, rains and pools.
v. 7 Pilgrims end up at Mt. Zion
v. 8 Plea type prayer- asking God to listen- while ascribing honor to God’s name.
V. 9 “our shield” can also be translated “our sovereign” or another way to say “our king” The leader’s presence and leadership were related to the previous themes of this psalm. A strong, healthy, faithful leader would maintain and promote worship of God at the temple and also make it safe for people to travel and have faith journeys- ie pilgrimages. But an unhealthy, idolatrous leader could allow worship to be de-prioritized and protection of pilgrims may be forgotten- attention may be focused on idols, the palace, misguided wars, etc.
v. 10- What a beautiful declaration- it is better to be in the presence of God- even if it is not the inner sanctuary- even to be near God- is better than life without God. Message Translation, “One day spent in your house, this beautiful place of worship, beats thousands spent on Greek Island beaches.” Being a doorkeeper at the temple is a difficult job. You would have to make judgment calls on who could come in- sometimes you would have to tell people that they would have to take care of something before they could come in or leave something at the door- you would be part of the system of worship, but your attention would be divided. But that would be better than to be off reveling and enjoying selfish and silly pleasures apart from God- living as if there was no God- dishonoring the reason for your existence. Again Peterson’s translation, “I’d rather scrub floors in the house of my God than be honored as a guest in the palace of sin.” We must look at this verse through the reality of Jesus Christ- that he was a friend of sinners and invited to eat at their homes. He did not go in order to indulge, but rather to be yeast, salt and light. As Christians we believe, humbly, that the presence of God dwells in us- that we are mobile mini-temples- not that we deserve worship, but that through our broken attempts to live like Christ- some folks may see the light, life and love of God through us coming near to them.
V. 11 The Lord is THE light and THE Sovereign- the source of life and the true protector of life
Definition: How do we know what God’s presence is? Whenever two or three come together in my name. Matt 18:20, “Whatever you did to the least of these you did unto me” Matt 25
Points I could make:
1. We are not just animal life that happens to be here- we were created to be in relationship with the Living God. (V. 3)
2. Some of us are settlers and some of us are journeyers- V. 4&5- Some of us were born into a Christian family and living a life to worship and honor Jesus Christ is all we’ve ever known. Some of us have had to have a journey to find God.
3. We are NOT sun (source of life) and shield (protector of life)- Jesus is “our shield” and “our sovereign”- the system of kings has been replaced and we have the king of kings, permanently established v. 9. Where as human kings were imperfect and often idolatrous, Jesus Christ is a divine King. He is at once the presence of God- the object of our worship. V. 11- hints at the reality that God is SUN and SHIELD- He is the source of the light of life- as well as the means of experiencing it. This is one reason why we as Christians put down the sword and turn the other cheek- our only sword as Paul says is the word of God, the truth of God- sharing the reality of Jesus Christ. We would rather give up our biological life and have one day, one chance to tell someone the truth about our loving and living God- than have a long life- behind gates- where we are safe from others and risk nothing. We believe, in faith we hold, that it was God who made us and God will take us in His time- we seek only to use the time we have to walk through life as Christ would have us to.


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